Everything that happens at the Element 11 Arts Event and all of our community gatherings, happens because of volunteer contributions– from the Board of Directors to Gate Greeters, from Rangers, Medical and Sanctuary Staff to Artists and Performers, from Builders to Department Leads, we rely on the gifting spirit of your time, energy, and talents to make our events go and grow.
If you want to get involved before E11, join us at a Town Hall meeting. These are held quarterly and are announced in advance. We also hold other events throughout the year that need you as well!
Element 11 thrives on volunteer power! We love our volunteers! This year, we’re unveiling an exciting new volunteer opportunity for groups! Interested in volunteering at the gate or as a greeter? Are you eager to contribute with your crew or 4 or more? Does your theme camp want to take over gate or greeters for a few hours? Fill out our group signup sheet! General volunteer sign-ups will open on April 27, but group sign-ups are available now until April 26. If you’re interested in volunteering in groups of 1-3 for gate or greeter roles, please register through the general volunteer sign-ups opening on April 27th! Gate volunteers scan tickets, distribute participant wristbands, and check vehicles. Greeters distribute WWW guides, hugs/spanks!
If you’re not quite sure what would be best for you, please email volunteers@element11.org to ask any questions. We also communicate through Facebook. Join our Element 11 Volunteers group.
We’d like to know of your skills and interests, where you’d like to participate, and how to reach you. You can sign up for a specific function or general support, pick a department or let us assign you based on your talents.
Updated Document Coming Soon.